Sunday, 9 May 2010

Last 9 a nutshell....


I havn't written on here since my last night in the U.S.A, nine months ago. Quite a lot has happened since then...

I had the opportunity to organise and participate in a sponsored hike of the whole length of Hadrians Wall, which fallows the boarder of England and Scotland. It was great fun (even if the other 10 participants tell you otherwise...) We raised over £8,000 for 'Help for Heroes' and all had great fun. It was hard, and I experience one of the most miserable and horrible nights of my life; I woke up at about 2am, and noticed that Alex (who was lying on the edge of the tent) was violently shivering and making weird noises as he was so cold. I had to switch places with him so he could get warm as he was obviously getting hypothermic. I soon found out why he was sold cold... It wasn't long before water started seeping in through my sleeping bag, and I realised he had been lying in about 2 inches of freezing icy water which had seeped in from the heavy sleet which was coming down outside. I lay awake, shivering violently till we had to get up in the morning, but I was bigger, older and more used to this that Alex, so I had to take it. I must have got about2 or 3 hours sleep that night, having just hiked 14 miles, and having to hike another 14 miles (both through deep snow, up and down big hills and in very cold conditions) I got up, (soaked though) and gelped make breakfast for everyone so I could warm myself up my moving around...that night and morning, was so uncomfortable I cant actually describe it haha, but it was OK because as soon as I started hiking, my body heat warmed up the water that was soaking my thermals so it soon turned to warm water and was all OK!

If you would like to read a longer and more detailed account about this really cool (in more than one way) hike that we did go to

I have done a lot of travelling, I visited Norway for a day, me and my cousin Zak went to Sardinia for a week which was amazing. We simply camped out on a beach for a week, we had the whole place to ourself, the sea was clear, weather was hot and it was very fun! But that was way back in September so I wont go on about it too much. This is where I experienced another of the worst nights of my life...It was more humid than I have ever felt, me and Zak could not sleep, there were about 1,000,000,000,000,000 mosquito's in the air, and I was lying on the floor, with no mat, on huge bumps and it was horrible.

The last 'bad night' was when me and Zak though it would be a good idea to do a 'Bear Grylls' and camp up Wye Downs in Mid-Winter with only a very thing sleeping bag. We both nearly froze. I woke up in the middle of the night, my hands and feet were numb with cold, and my whole body & chest was violently shivering. So was zaks. Good times haha.

Those nights are not fun at all. Good to look back on though.

I also visited Poland with my Father. We went there hoping to go Snowboarding, but we go there the weekend before all the ski-parks opened, even though there was loads of snow! Oh well. It was still a cool place. We stayed in the darkest, most dreary, vampiric place I have ever stayed in. A small hostel called the 'Stara Polana Hostel'. That was crazy. However, I would love to go back and visit one time. Zakopane in Poland is a really nice place. I did a bungee jump there as well!

More recently, I have finally received my mission call! I al going to be going to the Alpine German-Speaking Mission! Exactly what I wanted! Brilliant! I am SO excited!! I leave 3 weeks from 2 days ago (so 2 weeks and 5 days). I will be flying out to the MTC in Provo to learn German. Should be pretty fun, but also quite hard I imagine! I have been working alot with the missionaries in Ashford ward (as I am assistant to the Ward Mission Leader). I am so excited I cant describe it!

So I will write again before I leave!

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